a Member?
- Support, directly, our work to keep Atalantas sailing and this website available to all.
- Take part in the governance of the AOA through their votes at the Annual General Meetings.
- Receive the full-colour Annual Bulletin by post in December and our newsletters.
- Be eligible for one of our Annual Trophy awards.
(To renew an existing membership use the – Renewal Form)
Membership Fees – £20
It is a great help if you can pay electronically by standing order, bank transfer or PayPal – in that order or preference. In all cases please complete a membership form – either the electronic form below or the PDF Membership form.
Payment Methods
- Standing Order – AOA bank account details in the Standing Order form
- Bank Transfer – AOA bank account details below
- Credit/Debit Card or your PayPal account using the link on this page below
- Cheque drawn from a UK bank account sent to the address below
The Membership year run from 1st January to 31st December.
If you join after 30th September your annual fee will cover the remainder of that year and the next.