2013 A102 – Into the Rhone Valley & R.Saone
2013 A102 – Into the Rhone Valley & R.Saone.
Photo: The Rhone valley. Today I crossed over from the Marne valley to the Rhone valley passing t
2013 A102 – Into the Rhone Valley & R.Saone.
Photo: The Rhone valley. Today I crossed over from the Marne valley to the Rhone valley passing t
2013 A102 – The Marne Valley.
Photo: Lateral marne canal and Ay.. Ay is very much part of the Champagne district.
2013 A102 – East from Paris on the R.Marne.
Photo: logs. The higher water levels are washing down some significant logs so you need to keep an
2013 A102 Mary in Paris.
2013 A102 Mary To Paris.
2013 Atalanta Mary ready on the South Coast.
Photo: 2012-12-24 14.51.57. Well we didn’t make the east coast. Ah well. All the easier to cross
I am planning on a holiday next year along the lines of sailing from Chichester to St Valerie-sur-somme then across internal waterways to the south of France and then to spend the remainder of this year sailing towards and around the Tyrrhenian se
2012 A102 Atalanta Mary travels to Chichester.
1959, 3/4 rig, restored to very good condition.
Wood spars, sails – main and genoa, 1 & 2 jibs, spinnaker.
Anchor’s chains & warps. Lavac heads, sink,fresh water tank,
In 2001 the original Coventry Victor engine was replaced with a 13.5HP Beta.
In 1998 a restoration began with the rebuilding of the lower cockpit woodwork. Further work included restoring the mast, standing and running rigging.
In the early 1990’s Atalanta Mary was modified with the fitting of twin rudders in place of the single lifting original. This was influenced by the number of rudder blade failures andRead More…
Atalanta Mary was owned by a Naval officer between 1979 and 1981. During this time he and his wife had their honeymoon cruising the South Coast.