The Association holds over 250 Fairey Marine design drawings for the various classes.
These are an invaluable source of detail for how the boats are built.
Over a number of years paper drawing have been scanned. First to microfiche and then transferred to PDF files.

Logged in AOA Members have full access to all drawings as downloadable PDFs – they will see a ‘Link’ column on the left in the Index below. Clicking on this will open the relevant drawing.

Non-Members may view the index but do not have access to the drawings – why not become a member?

Fairey Marine Drawings Index

The index below may be filtered (searched) – enter/select values in the filter boxes above the table.  For example to see all items relating to a particular class enter the class abbreviation in the search box under the Class column.
To further see information about rudders select topic  ’50. Steering’. You can sort the table by clicking on the column headings.
It is also possible to sort the index by clicking on the column headings – once for ascending order, twice for descending.
Fairey Marine design drawings
Logged in AOA Members will see a ‘Link’ column on the left – clicking on this will open the relevant drawing.
Non-Members may access only the drawings index – why not become a member?

Link Type Class Category Ref Page No Title Sail No Boat Name Author APages Comments APrice ASort ArchID